Integrations with Webflow
Boost your Webflow site with third-party integrations and custom functionalities

Boost your productivity by using the full force of automations
Connectors like Make.com or Zapier made it easy to integrate your Webflow site with other tools to create an endless number of functionalities. Create client dashboards, automated newsletters or even an entire SaaS software.
- Replace manual and repetitive tasks by automations
- Connect your third-party tools
- Complex funnels and automations
- Advanced functionalities without huge budget costs

Make + Webflow
We love Slack for the internal communication. Getting here the right notifications in real-time can help improve the productivity, client happiness and sales.
Therefore we've connected Webflow with Slack via Make.com to get friendly reminders every time we get a new lead or customer request. This way we can act fast and do things better.
Airtable + Webflow
Editorial Alma needed a new modern website, but they also wanted a centralized system in which they could manage their product information, partners detailes etc.
Airtable was the perfectly matching tool and become one of their main tools inside the company. With an automated sync between Airtable and Webflow they are able to manage the sites content without help of any developer.

Wized + Webflow
Acnelogy wants to become a fully digitalized clinic and offer their patients a personalized client area, where they can check their individual results, book new appointments and chat with the doctors.
We are developing this client area with an integrated user management system thanks to Wized, which is connected to Airtable and Webflow.

Founder of Baldium